Knowledge management for Plant Biology

Senior Researcher, DR2, PhD. 


UMR DIADE, IRD, Univ Montpellier, Montpellier France

South Green Bioinformatics Platform

WEB3 team at LIRMM 

pierre (dot) larmande (at) ird (dot) fr

Pubmed - DBLP - Research Gate profile - LinkedIn profile - Google Scholar - ORCID - Twitter - GitHub - CV-HAL

I am research scientist at IRD.  I led the data integration group at the Institute of Computational Biology part of the LIRMM, in 2013-2017. I am also staff member of the South Green Platform. Formerly, i was head of the ICT Lab  2017-2020 (Vietnam)

My main research interests are Data integration, Semantic Web, plant-ontologies, semantic data linking, Knowledge management and Big Data for plant genomics. 

Short CV

- MSc in Biochemistry, 1997, Univ. Montpellier FR

- MSc in Computer Science, 2000, Univ. Montpellier FR

- Bioinformatics Engineering at CIRAD, 2001-2005

- PhD in Computer Science 2007, Univ. Montpellier FR

- Bioinformatics Engineering at CNRS, 2005-2010

- Bioinformatics Engineering at IRD, 2010 - 2018

- Researcher at IRD, 2018 - now

- HDR in computer science, 2020, Univ. Montpellier

Current projects

Past projects

Masters, Doctoral and Post-doctoral supervision



Master degrees

Bachelor degrees


Project reviewer

Pc member
